Noora Kobty
Kids Department

Noora Kobty, MA

I would like to introduce myself as a ‘new member’ of Know How. With a background in Psychology and strong experience in the Academic and Clinical settings, I have recently joined this team to launch and run the children’s division.

The focus of the children’s division is to foster and enable individual success for each student through promotion of educational and socio-emotional development.

In addition, we will also seek to advocate for children who are struggling academically, either because of learning difficulties or because of psychological distress that May be affecting their learning.

Whether a child is exhibiting adjustment difficulties with school, or Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) or eating disorders, my professional experience working with children across a broad range of psychological circumstances will serve to advance our mission to understand and make a positive impact on those we love.

In addition to my professional experience and in perhaps my most cherished role, I am a proud mother to Calum who is 7 years old and Liliana who is 4 years old. As a mother I strongly believe in fostering a compassionate, positive environment and enduring contribution for our children in our world today.

Know How Children’s division

At Know How we believe every child is unique and our aim is to build each child’s confidence and abilities to feel confident and succeed in their educational journey. The path toward increased success can begin with exploring and developing a more meaningful understanding of each child’s unique experiences, personality and strengths. 


Assessments & Evaluations

While each child unequivocally deserves an individually tailored approach, we envisage initial engagement and baseline assessment can be undertaken through well-established and leading scientific psychometric testing and evaluation. 

My focus is to do Psychometric Testing and Data Assessment on children (ages 3-17). I would deploy a range of various tests such as cognitive abilities (IQ) and/or personality, literacy, achievement, language and communication, speech delays, behavior and social tests. One test I use is the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for children (WISC-V) it helps to get a clearer understanding on what their strengths or weaknesses may be. Another test is a personality MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory- Adolescent), this helps me understand the student’s personality to help with his/her cognitive functioning.

My goal is to develop and implement successful learning for each and every student.

The focus of the children’s division is to foster and enable individual success for each student through promotion of educational and socio-emotional development.

In addition, we advocate for children who are struggling academically, either because of learning difficulties or because of psychological distress that May be affecting their learning.

Know how

Psychometric Assessments & Evaluations

We offer psychometric assessments for common neurodevelopmental conditions such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), specific learning disorders or even gifted students. These assessments require the use of standardized tests and/or questionnaires looking at various cognitive and academic skills, as well as clinical interview with parents/ students and ideally the school.


The Assessment Process

Psychometric Testing is generally divided into several individual sessions to avoid fatigue and to get optimal performance from the child. It generally consists of an initial session with the parents to ascertain a comprehensive history and information about the child’s current level of functioning.

Following this, testing sessions with the child take up to 2 hours for each test administered. This will almost always include the administration of a general intellectual ability test first. Additional tests will focus on academic abilities, and/or more in-depth assessment of specific cognitive domains.

A separate feedback session is then organized to discuss the child’s test results with the parents. 

Tests Available

Tests of General Intellectual/ Cognitive Ability

Tests of General Intellectual Ability assess an individual’s overall intellectual potential, and they form the basis of describing the child’s individual profile of strengths and weaknesses.  These tests of general intelligence are suited to children with learning difficulties, as they do not involve any reading or writing: they are therefore a measure of intelligence irrespective of academic achievement. There are one of two tests that can be administered, depending on the child’s age:
  • Wechsler Preschool and Primary School Intelligence Test (WPPSI) – suitable for younger children aged 2 years 6 months to 7 years 7 months.
  • Wechsler Intelligence Test for Children (WISC) – suitable for older children between the ages of 6 and 16.

Tests of General Intellectual/ Cognitive Ability

The Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT) is used as a measure of academic achievement. It enables the assessment of a broad range of academic skills, including reading, written language, oral skills, and mathematics. 

Specific learning disorders are concerned with the child’s academic skills, such as:

  • Reading impairment (similar to ‘Dyslexia’)
  • Written expression impairment (which overlaps with ‘Dyspraxia’ and ‘Dysgraphia’, but may also occur for other reasons such as problems with attention or planning)
  • Mathematics impairment (similar to ‘Dyscalculia’)

Neurodevelopmental disorders

Neurodevelopmental disorders also require assessment of specific cognitive abilities.

  • Language skills (Communication Disorders)
  • Social communication skills (Autism Spectrum and Social Communication disorder)
  • Attention and/or hyperactivity/impulsivity (ADHD)
  • Motor coordination skills (Developmental Coordination Disorder)
  • Visuospatial and conceptual skills (often closely linked to mathematics ability)
  • Executive skills (planning, problem-solving, abstract thinking, mental flexibility, and self-regulation) and memory skills

Furthermore, our capabilities and services extend into the more traditional consultation and counseling techniques when determined to be beneficial to a child. 

Our Services


Most frequent questions and answers

It is a Full Scale IQ that represents a child’s general intellectual ability. It measures a child’s intellectual ability and 5 cognitive domains that impact performance. Verbal Comprehension Index, Visual Spatial Index, Fluid Reasoning Index, Working Memory Index, and Processing Speed Index.

It helps us understand the child’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses. For example, scoring high in certain areas but low in others might indicate the presence of a specific learning disability.

Any child from the age of 6 until the age of 16 and 11 months.

Research has shown that the Wechsler test is one of the most well-designed tests to measure intelligence. It provides a wide profile of indexes and scales and really allows for the diagnosis of certain mental complications, as well as an accurate depiction of a person’s intelligence.

This test (WISC-V) along with a personality test (The Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children- MMTIC) that we administer, can give us a thorough understanding of what the students likes and/or dislikes are, along with his/her strengths and/or weakness. When we gather all the information on the students we are then able to link him/her with career choices that interest them.