Purpose of Assessment

The Critical Reasoning Test Battery (CRTB2) provides a detailed and accurate measure of Verbal Critical Reasoning and Numerical Critical Reasoning. The tests are specifically designed for graduate recruitment and senior management assessment. This is an aptitude and ability test ideal for selecting and developing high caliber managerial and technical staff. 

In either case the test results are scored and normed through the software, immediately producing a profile against the desired norm group. It consists of tasks that are much closer to typical management functions than most traditional reasoning test items, the VCR2 and NCR2 are ideal for selecting and developing high caliber managerial and technical staff. 

How it improves the evaluation process

CRTB2 is quicker to administer than most other critical reasoning tests. Both the verbal and numerical sub-tests can be completed in 40 minutes. Applicants find CRTB2 to be more acceptable than traditional reasoning tests as it contains problems which are relevant to management and business functions. It is available online.

Delivery & Reporting Results

Verbal Critical Reasoning (VCR2)

This test directly assesses the ability to understand semi-technical reports and accurately draw logical conclusions and inferences from such written information. The test forms a key assessment device for all managerial and professional jobs that require quick and reliable interpretation of written reports and appropriate decision-making.

Numerical Critical Reasoning (NCR2)

This test directly measures the ability to understand and critically evaluate a wide range of numerical information presented in tabular form and to accurately use this information in a logical way. It forms a key assessment device for all managerial and technical positions that require a detailed understanding of financial, numerical and statistical data.

Project Chart
Validity, Reliability and Reported information

Decision maker and candidate feedback reports are available for CRTB2. They present a detailed breakdown of the respondent’s performance across the subscales using profile charts and narratives. The group report option provides decision makers with a summary of the results from a number of respondents ranked according to performance. 


CRTB2 has been completed by thousands of people worldwide from a variety of occupations and cultural backgrounds. As a result, an extensive range of norms exist enabling respondents’ results to be compared to those obtained by a wide range of professional groups.

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