Team building Abu Dhabi

Work from home or remote work is becoming increasingly prominent in the corporate world. With this new trend engaging employees in team building is becoming increasingly difficult. Due to the lack of physical contact and face-to-face communication, the trust and co-dependence among the employees are uncharacteristically low, negatively affecting productivity.

Several virtual team-building activities with your employees to ensure a sense of collectivism within the team. In this blog, we will discuss some of the methods used by know-how for team building in Abu Dhabi.

Why is virtual team building important?

Improving remote worker engagement is essential to leading a remote team, company, or employee. Remote workers might feel disconnected from the company without the chance to engage in organic conversations in the break room or each other’s cubicles. A lack of involvement can result in feelings of isolation and loneliness, a lack of enthusiasm for the company’s vision or goals, and a sense of being unhappy and underappreciated.

Engaging in team building in Dubai is, thus, as important for remote employees as it is for the regular staff. The organization succeeds when managers and company executives prioritize employee engagement and teamwork, regardless of an employee’s location.

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Unique virtual team-building ideas

With the help of improving technology, virtual team-building in Abu Dhabi has improved a notch. Here are some unique ways you can employ in your organization.

Virtual murder mystery

Virtual murder mystery days are the ideal way to rouse remote workers from their customary slumber and engage them in something that requires their wit, decision-making skills, and social skills. Because the games improve players’ critical thinking and presentation skills, they benefit team building.

You can use sites like Whodunit to organize online murder mystery parties for the employees.

Themed days

Having themed days is an excellent virtual exercise for team building in Dubai. It enables people to maintain a “fun aspect” to otherwise routine days.

Themed days also allow you to be as creative as possible. You can ask the employees to dress like their favorite actors, characters, or cartoons- the options are limitless.

Hold virtual events!

The team leader can also organize virtual events to entertain monotonous days. They can be small-scale, like watching parties for a movie or attending a music concert. This will give the employees something to discuss and criticize other than the regular workload. It will also allow them to find colleagues with similar interests, increasing the unofficial interactions among the employees. 

Solve puzzles with the team

Puzzle solving is a great approach for remote teams to connect and “synchronize” their talents. Solving puzzles together can be extremely beneficial in improving communication, bonding, and developing the ability to see the big picture.

Team building Abu Dhabi


Virtual team building is critical for engaging your remote workers and increasing their satisfaction, productivity, and pleasure levels. To conduct a smooth virtual exercise session for team building in Abu Dhabi, contact Know How Training. We have conducted several team-building seminars online and offline, and we are experienced enough to provide satisfactory results.


Haifa A Mubarak