Cognitive training abu dhabi

“Art washes from the soul the dust of everyday life” (Picasso)

As I write this, the first Art for Wellbeing session has come to an end. Enhancing our wellbeing can be sometimes seen as a difficult thing, where in reality it is quite simple. in this modern day and age, we are all seeking peace, happiness and most of all a sense of inner stability.

Art for wellbeing, being driven from Art Therapy is one of the best ways to explore our creative side while opening up doors to explore our thoughts and feelings; things that we may not be able to put into words or even be aware of. Keeping negative emotions and feelings bottled up inside can take a toll on one’s health and wellbeing.

The process of creating art can at most times be an eye-opener to some underlying situations that we usually might not be able to access these parts of the brain verbally.

After the positive feedback from the previous session, we will be hosting Art for Wellbeing sessions twice a month in our Know How Training Office



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