Modern advancements in electrical engineering have lit, informed, and connected the world. We owe everything from light bulbs and televisions to cell phones and GPS to engineers in this discipline. A licensed electrical engineer in Abu Dubai can operate as a designer, and an inspector who can test or resolve electrical issues. It is a broad […]
There is more to presentation than clicking the mouse and transmitting information to the audience. Presenters must be able to convey their message in a manner that is crystal clear, convincing, and persuasive. However, speaking in front of a large audience or corporate leadership can be intimidating and difficult. If you want to master the […]
Successful leaders are available in all shapes and sizes. No workplace or crisis or situation are all the same, and so are the leaders. Therefore, for an individual to adapt to a circumstance and deliver his best in any given environment, she has to ensure that she equips herself with the right leadership skill sets. […]
Exercising the mind to enhance the focus has been practiced by humans for a very long time. The reminiscence, consciousness, or every day capability is a pinnacle of precedence for lots of human beings, especially as they get older. That being said, human beings of every age can gain from incorporating some easy physical activities […]
Do you remember the last time you held on to feelings of hurt or anger towards someone else? These feelings are similar to carrying a bag of rocks, and every time someone hurts you, you add one more piece of rock to the bag. Studies have shown that holding on to these feelings can lead our […]
خلال شهر رمضان قد تزداد العصبية، الضغوط، حدة التوتر والأنفعالات عند بعض الأفراد مما يدفعنا إلى ربط هذه المشاعر بفترة الصيام. لكن ذلك غير صحيح، حيث يرجع احد اسباب زيادة التوتر والضغوطات إلى العادات الغير صحية التى يمارسها الفرد قبل شهر رمضان مثل: شرب القهوة، الشاي والتدخينيمكنك التقليل من حدة التوتر والضغط من خلال وضع نظام […]
A child who lives in a consistent structured house, and has limits and expectations is more likely to feel confident. When a child knows what comes next and knows what to expect, it gives him a feeling of order, security and empowerment versus a child who can develop anxiety of uncertainty. Structure can make children’s […]
You’ve done the standard interview preparation; you’ve shown up on time, dressed in appropriate interview attire, and practiced the different scenarios and questions you might get asked. But none of those interviews has landed you a job offer. Well, the answer could lay in your body language. Studies suggest that only 7% of your communication […]
Most firms have set up a war room to triage their immediate response to the crisis. But the lack of visibility around future demand complicates efforts to restart stalled portfolio companies…